Tips To Help Your Child Switch From Eye Glasses To Contact Lenses


As a parent, you might be cautious about allowing your child to switch from eye glasses to contact lenses, but you might be worrying for nothing. According to All About Vision, kids and teens find it easy to use and wear contact lenses, and contacts offer many benefits over eye glasses. If you decide to go through with this, here are two important things you will need to know to help your child make this switch.

Choose the right type of lenses

In the past, you could only get long-term contact lenses, which were designed to last for six months or entire year. Not only is this type harder to keep clean, but it also requires a lot more responsibility. If a teen gets this type and loses them, you will have to buy a new pair, which could cost a lot of money.

Instead of choosing this type, there are two other options for you to consider:

  1. Daily disposable lenses – Daily lenses are designed for one-day usage only. In the morning, your child would insert a new pair, and he or she would throw this pair away at night. Each day, the child would get to wear a brand new pair of lenses.
  2. Monthly lenses – The other common option is monthly contact lenses. With this type, he or she will wear the same pair for a month and will then throw them away.

These kinds of contact lenses are less risky for you as a parent, and they are also easier to clean because they do not last long.

Know how to treat dry eyes

People that wear contact lenses often experience more problems with them in the winter when the air is dry. There are several things your child could do if this happens, including:

  • Avoid contacts for a few days – If your teen's eyes are really bothering him or her, have the child leave the contacts out for a couple of days. This often gives the eyes time to relax and recover from any harm that occurred while they were dry.
  • Use eye drops – Your eye doctor can recommend eye drops to use too during dry seasons. Placing a few drops in each eye several times a day usually helps a lot.

If you would like to find out if your child is ready for contact lenses, make an appointment at an eye care center today. The doctor can examine his or her eyes to tell you if this is a good idea for the child.


13 March 2015

Vision and Learning

Vision problems can be sneaky. When my daughter started having trouble in school, nobody thought that the problem could be with her vision. She wasn't complaining about not being able to see ; she was acting out instead. Plus, she could read the eye chart. It took a lot of trial and error to realize that while she could see, her eyes weren't working together correctly. She needed vision therapy to get herself back on track. I started this blog to share information with other concerned parents about how vision affects learning. Don't let a vision problem sneak by you and impact your child's education.