The Three Main Types Of Eyeglass Frames


When considering purchasing new eyeglass frames, there are a number of different factors to take into account, such as color, style, price, and designer. However, before you begin to consider any of these variables, you should know what type of frame you are looking for in order to narrow down your search. There are three main types of frames for eyeglasses, all of which offer different benefits over each other. Understanding the differences between the three types of eyeglass frames can help you choose the one that best fits your needs.

Full Frame Glasses

Full frame glasses are glasses that have a frame that goes around the entire outer edge of the lenses. Full frame glasses are the heaviest type of glasses that you can get, though the actual weight of the glasses will of course depend on the model that you choose. However, this extra weight means that they are also much sturdier and are able to hold up to more wear and tear than other types of glasses. Full frame glasses may also be the only option for patients with strong prescriptions that require thick lenses, as they are the only type of frame that can support thick lenses.

Half Frame Glasses

Half frame glasses have a frame that only goes partially around the lenses of the glasses, offering a lighter weight than full frame glasses. This makes half frame glasses much more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, and they offer a more open look, providing a different aesthetic than full frame glasses. However, their lighter weight means that they are more fragile, which means that half frame glasses are not ideal for physical activities. Additionally, the lack of a full frame means that they are not ideal for strong corrective lenses, which require more support.

Rimless Glasses

Rimless glasses have no frame around the lense, and instead hold the lenses in place only through the connection at the arms of the glasses. This means that rimless glasses are extremely lightweight and much less noticeable on your face, as they tend to have a lower profile and thinner lenses. However, rimless glasses are extremely fragile and can break even if you don't perform any physical activities while wearing them, as the lenses are precariously held in place. The only reason to purchase rimless glasses would be for aesthetic purposes, as besides their low profile they offer no real benefit over half or full frame glasses.

For more information, contact a business such as Spectacles of Naples.


4 March 2015

Vision and Learning

Vision problems can be sneaky. When my daughter started having trouble in school, nobody thought that the problem could be with her vision. She wasn't complaining about not being able to see ; she was acting out instead. Plus, she could read the eye chart. It took a lot of trial and error to realize that while she could see, her eyes weren't working together correctly. She needed vision therapy to get herself back on track. I started this blog to share information with other concerned parents about how vision affects learning. Don't let a vision problem sneak by you and impact your child's education.