What You Should Know About Cataract Surgery


If you have been told by your optometrist that you have cataracts, then you will likely need to have surgery. With cataracts, the lens of your eyes are clouding, which can cause gradual vision loss over time. While it is typically a condition affecting people due to the natural aging process, anyone can have cataracts. Here is more information about this condition and cataract surgery.

About Cataracts

Cataracts are something many people get as they age. The exact cause is unknown, but there are some risk factors that can make you more susceptible to them. This includes having a history of eye trauma or eye surgery, diabetes, a family history of cataracts, or if you smoke cigarettes. You may also get them due to UV exposure to the eye. The first symptom of having cataracts is slow and gradual vision loss, where the eyes become cloudy and you don't see as clearly or sharply.

Determining if You Need Surgery

Your doctor will first decide if you are a good candidate for cataract surgery. In general, you should get surgery if the cataracts are affecting your lifestyle or daily activities due to the disruption of vision. You will need to get an eye exam done and have a series of diagnostic tests performed to see how bad your cataracts are. The eye doctor will use different tests to decide if surgery is right for you. This includes measuring your visual acuity, doing a PAM test to see how much vision you could get back with the surgery, and a slit lamp exam to look at the severity of the cataracts.

Prepare for Cataract Surgery

Once you and your eye doctor have decided that cataract surgery is right for you, there are a few things you can do to prepare. First of all, learn about the side effects following surgery so you know how much time you need to take off work. You should arrange to have transportation to run errands and get to doctor's appointments, and it helps to have at least one person at home to help you while you recover. On the day of the surgery, make sure you don't wear any makeup, especially not eye makeup. 

What to Expect From the Surgery

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you won't be checking into a hospital. You are usually sent home the day of surgery. You will be given eye drops and a mild sedative to relax during the procedure. Your eyelid and the skin around your eye is cleaned thoroughly. You will have mild anesthesia during the procedure. Small incisions are made in your cornea so the lens bag can be opened. Then, a probe is inserted into the eye to dissolve and suck out the cataract. You then get a clear lens implant before closing the incision.

You will feel a scratchy feeling and mild discomfort for the first couple days after the procedure. You may still have blurry vision, so you should not be driving and getting plenty of rest. Use antibiotic ointment as recommended by your doctor.

To learn more about cataract surgery, visit the experts at Alta View Eye Care Center


8 March 2015

Vision and Learning

Vision problems can be sneaky. When my daughter started having trouble in school, nobody thought that the problem could be with her vision. She wasn't complaining about not being able to see ; she was acting out instead. Plus, she could read the eye chart. It took a lot of trial and error to realize that while she could see, her eyes weren't working together correctly. She needed vision therapy to get herself back on track. I started this blog to share information with other concerned parents about how vision affects learning. Don't let a vision problem sneak by you and impact your child's education.